DMAC was represented at the 2021 intersessional meetings of the Anti -Personnel Mine Ban Convention. DMAC delivered statements on a number of topics at the meetings including on thematic session ‘Completion and Sustainable National Capacities and Victim Assistance. DMAC was also part of a panel on ‘integrating the Diverse Needs of Affected Communities in Operational

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Afghanistan’s Side Event on demining in border areas – enhancing cross border Cooperation & Assistance on the second day of the 24th Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) explored, – Case studies and challenges from Afghanistan – Iran’s efforts to raise awareness of Afghan returnees/refugees concerning explosive ordnance – ICBL

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The Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC) together with MAPA implementing partners celebrated the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action in Kabul on 4th of April 2021. The event was held in hybrid form (both in-person and virtual) at Kabul Star Hotel from 10:00 – 12:00pm. This high-profile event was attended

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The Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC) organized 2020 Afghanistan Donor Coordination Meeting for Mine Action. The meeting was held today 20th of October 2020 at Gulkhana Palace, Office of H.E. the 1st Vice President from 09:00 – 11:30. The event was co-hosted by H.E. Ghulam Bahauddin Jailani, State Minister for Disaster Management and Humanitarian

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In line with goals 1 and 2 of the National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021; Facilitating Development and Engagement with other Sectors, DMAC’s EORE department provided EORE to 300 staff members of the watershed management project at Loya Jirgah tent. Mine Action is considered as a pre-requisite for development projects without which implementation

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In Kandahar province alone, at least 42 civilians, including women and children, were killed and 12 others were injured in a series of roadside Abandoned Improvised Mine (AIM) blasts in less than a week.

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P3M3 Maturity Assessment of DMAC conducted by ILX in 2019. DMAC Portfolio Management Maturity Assessment 2019

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Background: The Hotline project began in September 2012 to timely provide mine action response and remove mine/ERW threat, decrease mine/ERW civilian causalities, remove mine/ERW blockages, ensure consideration of community priorities for mine action intervention, establish a link between communities and mine action to get their feedback and ensure demining operation effectiveness and efficiency. The table below shows

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