The Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA):
On 16 Feb 1973 coinciding with 27 Dalwa 1351, based on the Presidential Degree No – 56, the Department of Disaster Preparedness (DDP), today known as the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), was established.
In 2003 Afghanistan developed key policy documents such as the Disaster Management Framework, National Strategy for Disaster Management, and National Disaster Management Plan. The National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC), under the leadership of the president was established. Currently, the Commission which is an inter-ministerial board is chaired by the Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. ANDMA serves as the secretariat and executive arm of the NDMC.
The Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA) is the principal institution at the national level with the mandate to coordinate and manage all aspects related to disaster management and humanitarian affairs including mine action.
ANDMA is a national authority and has seven directorates including Planning & Policy, Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC), Emergency Operations, Administration & Finance, Risk Mitigation, International Relations and Human Resource. ANDMA is represented by its provincial Directorates in all 34 Provinces of Afghanistan. In the provinces, ANDMA provincial directors serve as secretariat and operational arm of the Provincial Disaster Management Commissions (PDMC). The PDMC is chaired by the Provincial Governor.
Currently, ANDMA is manned by 383 people. The capacity of directorates differs from province to province depending on availability of staff, amount of operational resources, security, geographic terrain, and multiple other factors.