The Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan (MAPA) is one of the largest mine action programmes in the world. At a global level the MAPA was the first humanitarian (i.e. non-military) mine action programme that encompasses all pillars of mine action: advocacy, demining, stockpile destruction, EO Risk Education (EORE), and victim assistance (VA). MAPA employs over 7,000 Afghans and works with over 45 mine action organizations. These partners, which include national and international actors, from both the private and not-for‐profit sectors, deliver a wide range of mine action services including manual clearance, mechanically assisted clearance, mine dog detection assets, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), survey, EORE, VA activities and data collection.
MAPA’s activities are coordinated and monitored by the Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC) of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA).