Today (8th March 2020) the International Women’s Day was celebrated at DMAC under the theme “I am Generation Equality; Realizing Women’s Rights”. The event brought together around 50 participants from different Government and Non-Governmental organization, including DAFA, AABRAR, ATC, OMAR, DDG, HI, HALO, MDC, DAO, AAR-Japan, MCPA, UNMAS, and ANDMA. In recognition of the increasingly important role played by women in the mine action sector, the event celebrated the achievements made by the Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan (MAPA), particularly in mainstreaming gender and diversity as one of the four goals of the National Mine Action Strategic Plan (NMASP). DMAC acknowledges that the goal of a mine-free Afghanistan may not be easy to achieve without the participation of women as half of the countries population and citizens.